USPS Changes to Self Mailer Design Requirements | Direct Mail Resources

USPS Changes to Self Mailer Design Requirements

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New Self Mailer Rules

Try to avoid costly mistakes by designing your self-mailer to comply with new USPS regulations.

Changes to postal services rules can be difficult to navigate. We’ve taken the time to compile most of what you will need to know. In regards to the new self-mailer rules, the final fold of the piece must be on the bottom. No open bottoms even with tabs or glue for these new standards. For oblong pieces, the final fold must be on the leading edge. In the case of the piece with the fold on the lead edge, it would need two tabs – one on the top of the piece and the other on the opposite side of the lead edge. If the mailing piece should weigh one ounce or less, the piece would now need two, one inch tabs. If the mailing piece should weigh one ounce or more, the piece would now need two, one-and-a-half inch tabs. For these mailers, the paper basis weight book grade must be as follows: at least 70lb. up to 1 oz. and at least 80lb. over 1 oz.

These revised standards are intended to provide mailers more mail piece design options in hopes of balancing design innovation and machinability to improve the supply chain.

There are hundreds of potential self-mailer designs and making sure you are in compliance can be difficult. Feel free to contact your Cedar Graphics sales representative or customer service representative to make sure you have all of your bases covered. Download the USPS’s complete details of all related self mailer changes..

There are hundreds of potential self-mailer designs and making sure you are in compliance can be difficult. Feel free to contact your Cedar Graphics sales representative or customer service representative to make sure you have all of your bases covered.

Tri-fold and quarter fold brochures
now need two tabs instead of just one. 

For tri-fold self mailers, the address must be on the middle panel. The final fold will be the non addressed side of your mailer.

Final folds for oblong mailers must be on the right hand side. Tabs must be located on the left hand side or left hand side and top.